Staying Connected
Posted: March 23, 2020, 4:05PMAs we face this pandemic health crisis, please be attentive to those who live alone. We must practice social distancing if not isolation so we must work extra hard to stay in touch. This is a virulent virus, and we don't want anyone exposed unnecessarily especially our most vulnerable.
It is however so critical to stay connected. Loneliness is detrimental in many ways. It affects us mentally and emotionally. It can put us at risk for high blood pressure, sleep problems, and weight issues. We worry about our country and our world. There are so many unknowns. We haven't seen anything like this.
What can you do?
Call a friend. Text or email a friend. Check on those you know who live alone. For your own mental health, stay in touch.
Keep your routine as much as you can. Create your daily schedule and set daily goals.
Check out online communities of people who have common interests or common issues. But - you will probably want to avoid hours of scrolling through posts that are not good for you.
Stay informed but if you need a 'news break' - take it! Turn off the TV or turn on something other than the news so you can refresh and recharge. We cannot stay in a constant state of 'STRESSED'.
Meditate. Focus on your breathing. Focus on the moment.
Pray Read the Bible or other spiritual work that gives you peace.
Jounal. Write down your feelings. Don't forget to write down those things for which you are grateful.
Do gentle exercises. Eat as healthy as you can. Stay hydrated.
We are in this together. We need to unite. We need to do what is necessary. This is not a time for separation and division. This is a time to pull together, support each other and lift everyone up - not divide and cast blame.
This is a time of personal responsibility. Do your part. Stay in. Observe social distancing if not social isolation. Be generous of spirit - this is not about ME, it's about US. Let us work together to get through this.
Please be positive. Stay safe. Be well. Wash your hands.