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How do you take care of you?

Posted: December 28, 2022, 12:07PM

Revised 01/01/2023

We use acronyms in all aspects of life.  ASAP is as soon as possible,   FYI is for your information.  LOL is laughing out loud.

Not only do acronyms shorten phrases they can also serve to hel us remember something.  It's sort of like a shorthand note to yourself.

Just thinking of a short word and associating it with what you are trying to remember will help you keep the concept in mind. 

A caregiver might think of the word FACE when trying to remember how to do self-care.

F = Flexible (Caregivers need to be flexible.  The care receiver's situation and the caregiver's situation change.  It is necessary to be able to bend.)

A = Attitude  (Try to stay positive.  Keep an atitude of gratitude.)

C = Care  (You need to care for yourself.  You are more effective as a caregiver if you practice self-care.  How can you care for you?)

E = Emotion  (Watch your emotions.  You can't change your situation but you can change how you react to stressors.)

You might also think of the word BREATHE.

B = Breathe  (Start your day with 5 deep breaths)

R = Relax  (What helps you relax?  Meditation?  Reading?)

E = Enjoy  (Try to enjoy your time with your care receiver.  Enjoy your time with you.  Go to your happy place and chill.)

A = Adapt  (Be flexible.  Adapt to your situation.)

T =Thankful  (Have an attitude of gratitude. What do you have to be thankful for?)

H = Hopeful  (There is always hope.)

E - Exercise (Chair exercises.  Short walks.  It helps manage stress.)


What acronyms would you suggest for caregivers?  Submit your ideas to us!




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